What is the Metaverse?
Hi everyone!
Have you ever filmed a “vlog”?
What about “Pokémon Go”, which was a craze a few years ago?
Or, have you listened to a lecture through “Zoom,” which was one of the most-used platforms during Covid?
You might wonder why I’m asking this out of nowhere, haha.
These questions that have no correlation all point to one word: Metaverse.
Today we are going to learn about the history, present, and future of Metaverse, something we have been a part of all this time.
The meaning of Metaverse
The word Metaverse, an extended virtual world, is combined with the words “meta,” which means the virtual and transcendental, and “verse,” which means the world and the universe. Looking at the word itself, it seems like it was made at least after the 2000s, but surprisingly it was first used in Neil Stephenson’s novel, “Snow Crash,” published in 1992.
Metaverse refers to another world, a virtual world, where finance, occupation, and education, three activities that are legally and actually accepted, are connected in a three-dimensional world. In the end, it means that the earth we live in is becoming digital, so it is also called “digital earth.”
The types of Metaverse
Do you remember the questions I asked earlier?
Have you ever filmed a “vlog”?
What about “Pokemon Go”, which was a craze a few years ago?
Or, have you listened to a lecture through “Zoom,” which was one of the most used platforms during Covid?
You might think Metaverse is just one one big world, but in reality, these questions are just examples of different Metaverses.
The first Metaverse is Augmented Reality.
Pokémon Go, or the newly launched EQS 450+ HUD (Head Up Display) are very easy to access, right?
The second Metaverse is Life Logging.
Like posting our daily life on social media or reality shows that show people’s lives, life logging means showing our lives online without a physical interaction.
The third Metaverse is Virtual World.
We are already living in a virtual world that is known as either Artificial Reality or Cyberspace. Some examples are remote online classes and online ordering platforms such as Uber Eats and Amazon. Games such as The Sims is also an example.
Likewise, Metaverse is divided into three types.
We learned a little bit about the Metaverse today. How did you like it?
More information about the Metaverse will be uploaded in the future, so please follow us and get real-time information. :)
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